How to change the DP of your friend on facebook

 when you don’t like your friend’s Facebook profile picture then you don’t gonna say them directly that change your DP its not so good ! well here i gonna show you one way to make your Facebook friend to change their Profile Picture.
Well all you have to do is to explore their previous profile picture and then simply open that profile picture in the new tab which u want them to make their profile picture and then add “&makeprofile=1” at the end of the URL so URL will become like this.

www. facebook .com/ photo.php?fbid=44923182****&set=a.102302913*****.**9.10000****type=1&makeprofile=1

And now you can see the URL in the above example and now just send that link of the profile picture with “&makeprofile=1” to the Friend Whom your want to change the profile and simply send it via messenger or Facebook chat, when they will open that link at that time it will ask them to use that profile picture again.

how to make your fb friend to change their profile picture And when they confirms that then their profile picture will be changed !

They must confirm that dialog box then and then their profile picture will be changed else it will not be changed.


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