Points to remember before going for domain registration

tips for domain registration
Domain registration is one of the key tasks for every bloggers to host independent site. This is quite confusing for all newbie, so here I thought of sharing this article to make them easy to go. First of all let me tell you the meaning of domain registration, this is something like taking home for rent or on leasing , which means you are going to pay money for hosting your blog with domain provider. The first question arising in every newbie is about is weather to go for domain registration or not? Is it that necessary for bloggers? Well here I’m going to list few points before going for domain registration for newbie.

The first the most important thing here for every newbie is, I suggest to go for domain registration. Why because, this makes your blog independent with Terms and conditions of hosting domain like bloggers and word press. And you became free to do whatever you want with your blog without any restrictions, and even there is nothing like termination of your blog and all. This is the major thing why I suggest you to go for domain registration.

  • Now as I have told, let me make few points to remember before going for domain registration
  • Choose the right domain with easy to remember,
  • Your domain name must contain major keywords of your blog
  • Don’t use numerical values more than one in the domain, which results hard to remember for the visitors. And also avoid capital letters in your domain name.
  • Domain name must be professional or content related which you are publishing in your blog, avoid using your personal name or pet names for your website.
  • There are several domains available over the internet such as .com, .net, .org, .biz, .me, .in etc… but I suggest you to go for .com, because of its wide range of accessibility and this is globally available for all users.

There are several domain providers are available, but choose right one for easy communication and charges they apply for you. Don’t attract with the offered price they provide for you for the first time, go through all the details of domain provider until you get to know what is the exact price for domain registration is.

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