Graph Adjacency Matrix using 2D-Array

#include <iostream.h>

void  main( )
 int i, j ,siz;
 int G[100][100];

cout<<" Enter the size of sequre Metrix  \n";
cout<<" Enter Rows siz :";
 cout<<" \n Enter Colums siz : "   ;

 for(i=0 ; i < siz  ; i++)
 for(j=0 ; j< siz ; j++)
 int a;
 cout<<" \n Enter the No of Edges: ";
 cout<<" \n Enter the exact location where  do you want  make edge  : "<<endl;
 for (int j1=1 ; j1 <= a ; j1++)
 cout<<" Enter Row Number :";
 cout<<" Enter colum Number : ";
 cout<< " Adjancy Matrix ";
 for(i=0; i < siz; i++)
 cout<< " \n ";
 for( j=0; j < siz ; j++)
 cout<<"    "<< G[i][j];
 cout<< " \n ";


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