Program to check No is Palindrome in Assembly

This Program Take a No from User Reverse it to check that it is Palindrome or Not Assembly Language Code From Programming SeekerzzZZ


num word 0
key word 0
temp word 0
i word 0
reverse word 0
msg byte "Enter the number: ",0
msg1 byte " No is Palindrome ",0
msg2 byte " Not  a Palindrome ",0

Main proc
call crlf
call clrscr
mov edx,offset msg
call writestring
call readint
mov temp,ax
mov key,ax

.while temp > 0

mov dx,0
mov ax,temp
mov bx,10

div bx
mov temp,ax

mov num,dx
mov ax,num

mov ax,10
mov bx,reverse
mul bx

add ax,num
mov reverse,ax

call crlf

mov ax,key
.if reverse != ax
call crlf
mov edx,offset msg2
call writestring
call crlf
mov edx,offset msg1
call writestring

main endp
end main


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