First Hello World Android Program

Please follow below give steps for create First Hello World Android Program in eclipse :-
Step 1:Install  new version of android supported Eclipse
Step 2:After install the eclipse go in File Section
First Hello World Android Program-1
Step 3:File->new->Android Application Project

 First Hello World Android Program-1

Step 4:After click on Android Application project
Step 5:Type Application Name,First letter Must be in uppercase
First Hello World Android Program-3
Step 6:Click on Next->Next->Next->Next
step 7:choose the Activity Name
First Hello World Android Program-7
Step 8:Click on Finish button

Your Android project is ready to work.Your project have following sections and these section have following file and what is use of these files and folders
1.src folder:-this folder contain package of your project
this package have classes where you want to coding and implement functional activity in your project.
2.gen folder:-it have supported package that used to run your project
3.Android 4.4.2(Android version 19):-contain android .jar file
4.Android Dependencies:-have the other outer supported .jar files
5.Referenced Libraries:-it have reference libraries like Android-support-v4 .jar file
6.bin folder:in bin folder .class and .apk file are create after “run” the project
7.lib folder:-it have current running libraries,you also add external .jar file in bin folder
8.res folder:-in drawable folder you add the images that is used in your project.
9.layout folder:-create .xml file in layout is a very important part in project,by this you design your project.
values folder:-you add your style,color .xml file
10.Android Manifest.xml file:-it is very important file in android having following information
a)android version information
b)package name
c)SDK version information
d)when .xml file open first when project is run.
Source Code :-
package com.example.helloworld;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.Menu;
import android.view.MenuItem;
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


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